Treasure and Toys
By caMille740
  • Fanfiction
  • 4thholygrailwar
  • 5thholygrailwar
  • archer
  • arturiapenndragon
  • enkidu
  • epicheroes
  • fatezero
  • friendship
  • fuyuki
  • gilgamesh
  • iskandar
  • kingofheroes
  • newyork
  • redemption
  • rintohsaka
  • saber
  • shirouemiya


SaberxGilgameshxOC. After the 5th Holy Grail War, all of a sudden, all the servants are released from their chains- even the ones from the 4th Holy Grail War. The reason for this is unknown, maybe it's because the smaller Grail was destroyed in the 4th War and the larger Grail was destroyed in the 5th? Nobody really knows, but all Gil knows is that he has to have his most treasured possession, but how can he do that if he can't even find her? Over two years, Gilgamesh's very own demons grow bigger and feed on him as his grief of his old friend never seems to cease, but because of his own arrogance instead of seeking for closure, he seeks for a new temporary toy to play with before he can have his Saber. "Besides. This so-called wedding has nothing to do with any sort of emotion towards or against each other! It is nothing but an arranged marriage that my father had set up!" The young woman had said so defensively.


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by caMille740