Insufferable - Tayl...
By happyathello13
  • Fanfiction
  • actress
  • alternateuniverse
  • enemiestolovers
  • fakerelationship
  • famous
  • fanfic
  • gay
  • gxg
  • lesbian
  • lgbt
  • love
  • originalcharacter
  • romance
  • swift
  • taylor
  • taylorswift
  • taylorswiftfanfic
  • taylorswiftfanfiction
  • tayvis
  • traviskelce


[DISCONTINUED] Lana's marriage is falling apart, her career is a disaster and her new job sucks because her co-star is the most insufferable human being she's ever had the displeasure of meeting. At least that same co-star has pretty eyes, that helps make her company barely tolerable. In other words, the Taylor Swift as an actress alternate universe fic that no one asked for, with some enemies to lovers for a change. - As with all my stories, this book contains mature themes and sensitive subject matter and is intended for a mature audience. Reader discretion is advised. This is a work of fiction and I only own original characters and not Taylor Swift, her works or any other living and mentioned people. Persons and or opinions are fictional and not meant to cause harm to anyone living or dead. Do not reproduce or adapt.


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by happyathello13