The Holy Ghost
By meclayton2016
  • Romance
  • alpha
  • love
  • lovers
  • mafia
  • rich
  • violence


What does it mean when your enemies never see you coming? They called him The Holy Ghost for a reason. Phoenix As the Benetti Crime Family's number one hitman, Phoenix Fiore was unseen and undetectable to his prey. In six short years, he'd gone from a young man on the path to a new life to the most prolific killer in Benetti Family history. He hadn't planned on climbing the deadly ladder at such a rapid pace, but what else did a man do when he no longer possessed a soul? Francesca Life was nothing if not unpredictable, and Francesca Mancini had learned that lesson the hard way. Still, even after the accident that claimed both her parents' lives, she still had a lot to be thankful for. As only the young naively did, her life's plan had been solid. She had planned on graduating from college, then marrying the man of her dreams, but what's that about best-laid plans? When your past, present, and future come full circle... Six years after being left behind, when a heartbreaking tragedy forces Phoenix to finally make a move, he does it while knowing that Francesca isn't one to give in without a fight. However, it no longer matters what she wants, and Phoenix will stop at nothing to make sure that she stays put this time. Six years after leaving her family behind, when a heartbreaking tragedy forces Francesca to return home, she does so while believing that it's only temporary. However, unbeknownst to her, other plans have been made, and Francesca isn't going anywhere. Face-to-face after six years, old hurts and new desires come crashing together in a fight to the finish. While Phoenix and Francesca are both ready for the battle of their lives, they never expected what would happen next. NOTE: This book contains adult language, adult situations, explicit sexual encounters, violence, torture, and delicate subject matter. If sensitive to any of the aforementioned issues, please do not purchase.

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The Holy...
by meclayton2016