Roger ~N~ Friends
By Jiggyheller
  • Mystery / Thriller
  • animatronics
  • hitch
  • hitchtrailblazer
  • izzy
  • izzymoonbow
  • misty
  • mistybrightdawn
  • mlpg5
  • moonbow
  • petals
  • pipp
  • pipppetals
  • sparkysparkeroni
  • starscout
  • storm
  • sunny
  • sunnystarscout
  • trailblazer
  • zipp
  • zippstorm


ABOUT: (Takes place a less few years after opaline was killed off everything was fine....for now) The poines of Maretime bay once we're planning demolish a old building called "Roger's wonderworld" an old playplace where foals and fillys use to play and each animtronic as made by each pony kind (Mlp g5 story will be based on fnaf but different why am i making this well G5 takes where technology is a thing and well animtronics would be a thing probably plus this is my first story so if its bad then well i don't know) (Warning: Bad Languages and Cartoon violence also a bit of romance or whatever) (If it sucks well this is my first story its ment to suck)

|CHAPTER 1: criminals on the run|

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Roger ~N~...
by Jiggyheller