In the Midst of the...
By wordsthatbleed
  • Teen Fiction
  • chavez
  • life
  • teenfiction


In the beginning, I had a relatively normal life and was content with the way things were. Everything seemed perfectly normal and mundane. But then, something changed. Something deeper inside me that I hadn't yet fully accepted: that my life was about to change in a way I could never have imagined. I suddenly found myself facing a battle within myself. I was dealing with an inner struggle between fighting for something extraordinary and giving up because I was tired. I feel like there was something deep inside me nagging at my mind and my body. I couldn't shake this feeling that something was wrong, and all at once, it hit me. It was a life-changing and heart-wrenching journey regardless. The only question was, would I keep fighting or just give up in the midst of the battle?

In the Midst of the Battle

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In the Mi...
by wordsthatbleed