Path to Becoming a...
By Arunablog01
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The path to becoming a doctor by studying MBBS (Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery) typically involves several steps. While the specific details may vary depending on the country and the medical education system in place, here is a general guide to the common steps involved: 1. Preparation in High School: Educational Background: Obtain a high school diploma or its equivalent with a strong emphasis on science subjects, including biology, chemistry, and physics. 2. Entrance Exams: Competitive Exams: Depending on the country, aspiring medical students may need to take entrance exams. Examples include the MCAT (Medical College Admission Test) in the United States, the NEET (National Eligibility cum Entrance Test) in India, and other country-specific exams. 3. Admission to Medical School: Undergraduate Medical Education: Enroll in a recognized medical school or university offering an MBBS program. Duration: The MBBS program typically lasts for around 5 to 6 years, including both preclinical and clinical years. 4. Preclinical Years: Foundational Subjects: Initial years focus on theoretical and preclinical subjects, such as anatomy, physiology, biochemistry, and pathology. 5. Clinical Years: Clinical Rotations: Subsequent years involve clinical rotations, where students gain practical experience in various medical specialties, working under the supervision of experienced physicians.

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Path to B...
by Arunablog01