My innocent girl
By ddeonu_kim03
  • Fanfiction
  • childish
  • cute
  • heartlessmafia
  • hoseok
  • innocentgirl
  • jin
  • jisoo
  • jmin
  • jungkook
  • love
  • mafiaprincess
  • mature
  • namjoon
  • taehyung
  • yoongi


Park y/n a girl who is ball of sunshine innocent and very childish. she is 17 years old girl but she don't know mature like others girls.She is kind and sweet girl a angel jeon Jungkook a heartless, crueless and cold mafia king of the world. He have no mercy and no heart for anyone he is a devil a bad night mare. He was still in dark past a past change him into Devil what if a innocent girl and a heartless mafia meet each other. This universe play with innocent girl life with heartless mafia. what will happen to them? will y/n make Jungkook coldness heart melt? Wii y/n able to get him away from past? read it if you want to know!!

introduction ✨

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My innoce...
by ddeonu_kim03