Drown Me In Sin
By authorofnone
  • Romance
  • crime
  • dark
  • darklove
  • darkromance
  • eroticromance
  • gritty
  • mafia
  • mafiaromance
  • newyork
  • romance


I swallow, rolling my hips forward to try and relieve some of the pressure. What the fuck is wrong with me? His need to dominate me has me soaking wet, his hand around my throat a stark reminder of how helpless I am at this moment. "Yours," I answer, and it feels like a betrayal. "Mine," he nods, beginning to thrust inside me. Each painful inch is like a salve to my wounded ego. I interviewed a prison psychologist for a case once - a double homicide. He said some people, once they take a life, feel compelled to do it again. As if the only thing that can heal the wound is to repeat the act. I didn't understand it then, but suddenly I think I do. Part of me died last night, left behind in his bed where I so willingly tossed away my virginity. I'm going to drown you in sin... That's what he said to me when we almost fucked in the alley. Before I even knew who he was I was willing-compelled, even-to obey him. What if everything I thought I was...is a lie? What if there was always a monster lying in wait, hiding in the shadows and ready to rip me to pieces? Yes, I want to scream at him. Drown me until the pain goes away. Tears start to roll down my face as I meet him thrust for thrust, his hand still on my throat while he takes everything I have to give. Things to know about NY Underworld: Suspense with HEA It is MF J/P (jealous/possessive) Hero OTT (over-the-top) Hero CNC (consensual non-consent) DubCon (dubious consent)


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Drown Me...
by authorofnone