Nobody Compares *CO...
By LovinJessica
  • Fanfiction
  • dream1dforever
  • horan
  • niall


Cecilia Walker CeCe for short and Niall Horan were best friends since Kindergarten. They did everything together, then one day when Niall and CeCe were 16 Niall decided to audition for The X Factor. Cecila was super supportive of this. She even went to Niall's audition with him. Niall promised to skype her every night and text her whenever he can. One day he stops and Niall and Cecilia lose touch. Cecilia doesn't know what happened. She was devastated when he stopped talking to her. Cecilia wasn't only Niall's best friend. She was in love with him, but he never new. A few years later Cecilia accedently bumps into Niall at starbucks, but he isn't alone. What will Niall have to say? Will he explain why he stopped talking to her? Will Cecilia finally admit her feelings for Niall? Well you will have to read to find out.

Nobody Compares

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Nobody Co...
by LovinJessica