Transformers Prime:...
By MarcyWeisinger
  • Fanfiction
  • arcee
  • bulkhead
  • bumblebee
  • optimus
  • prime
  • primus
  • ratchet
  • tfp
  • transformers
  • transformersprime
  • unicron
  • wheeljack
  • workinprogress


There's a human named Ember who lives in Jasper, Nevada. And it is her destiny to merge and combine with him. And that is Unicron. Ember is not an ordinary human. But she is more unique than what people think and she thinks. She has the powers that Unicron needs to be complete and whole again. But it won't happen once he awakens. But he will. Ember was sitting alone until she heard a voice 'you are one. You will combine with me.' the voice had said to her. Ember was scared. She knew she had to find help. And that's when the Autobots come in. The Autobots helped her and tried to figure out what and why this was happening until they found something and it wasn't good. She was destined to be whole with 'Unicron.' They looked and saw something else and they looked and saw that it said this. 'It is the girl's destiny to merge with Unicron.' And once she combines she will be claimed as his own. Unicron would want her to be his and no one else's. But what will happen if Unicron finds out that she already has feelings for someone else and that someone is already trying to claim her before him. He will do anything to destroy it and to try to manipulate her to coming with him. One person they know who to ask and help is Primus. But will he help. Well he help Ember to overcome her boundaries and to overcome the Destiny it says for her. If he does. She will have a new destiny. And that destiny is to protect the universe. But later down the line she slowly starts to learn more about herself and she starts to learn more about who she really is. Which that will be another book I will make. so please enjoy. Story Started: Jan 5, 2023 Story Completed:

Characters In My Story #1

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by MarcyWeisinger