Vulnerable (A Legol...
By thrandybrandy
  • Fanfiction
  • elves
  • fanfiction
  • legolas
  • lordoftherings
  • tolkien


Philophobia: the abnormal, persistent and unwarranted fear of falling in love or emotional attachment. How did Nephenee get from spiteful to broken? Let's take it from the top. Being the daughter of Lord Elrond would be portrayed as an enjoyable and desirable position, but when the expectation of a classy lifestyle from her bloodline alters her dreams it becomes a burden hard to handle, for she longs the wild winds and rolling hills of Middle Earth. Convinced that the audacious fire within her will not extinguish so easily, she is certain on leaving Rivendell. But a charming archer she encounters on her journey away from home could threaten a 1,000 year old friendship and her own heart. Love is pointless in her mind. It's tragic, it's cold, it's broken and scary. But she has more to worry about than a blond-haired, blue-eyed Prince. Something much more evil. Something much more gold. Something much more... Precious.

Beginning Author's Note

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by thrandybrandy