Innocent Love
By RosaRose13
  • Romance
  • beauty
  • copyright
  • mystery
  • orphan
  • questions
  • statement
  • unanswered


My name's Anastasia Peter and I’m 16 years old. As a baby, my adopted Mother, Rosie Peter, found me on the porch of Hillary’s Orphanage in a cardboard box, with only a locket to remember my biological Mother and Father. My only memory of them is that they were very beautiful. Throughout life I've been searching for my past. Who am I? Where do I come from? Who are my Parents? What is my destiny? There was a problem I have found in my quest: I have no birth records, no hospitals know of my birth, and no relatives of my Parents have contacted me. All evidence points that my birth was accidental and I was simply a mistake. I’m a very stubborn person and I’ll stop at nothing to discover my past; the big man upstairs can’t stop me! Anastasia was not born to be ordinary; it just wasn’t in her blood, which happens to be from high above. Despite not knowing her heritage, there’s something about her that suggests her family were unique and special like no other. She is a lovable and kind woman, regardless of her years, and she holds a beauty so natural and innocent that even playboy bunny would envy and be blessed to see. Her personality is loved by all; men, women, and children alike. She is flawless inside and out, but why? Why is she smarter than the rest of her classmates? Why has her looks made her so endearing and admired? Why does her strength outmatch the muscle of ten men? Why are her senses better than anyone she’s ever known? And what are these strange sensations she feels but doesn’t understand? What bizarre goings-on happen on her 17th birthday? Who are these man and woman who look strangely like her? Can she trust them to give her the answers she desperately seeks? Sometimes life doesn’t go to plan and Anastasia’s is one that is thrown into the world of supernatural where love arises, mysteries unfold, and her destiny is set. In the end, will she fulfil her destiny like the prophecies foretold long ago? © 2012 RosaRose13

Innocent Love: Copyright Statement

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by RosaRose13