In The Name Of Love
By coffee_nd_kivi
  • Romance
  • 90sromance
  • bollywood
  • contemporary
  • emotional
  • india
  • oldschool
  • oldtimes
  • romcom
  • sadending
  • timetravel


How did this, "Oh please maa, Don't interfere in my matters, for God's sake please leave me alone!" "This is Instagram, do you even know what it is? Oh right, your world starts at chapati and ends at chapati, how would you know?" "Dad's right, what do you even do at home the whole day? All you have to do is cook food." Turn into, "I'm sorry mamma, I always pricked your heart with my words. still, you never spoke a word in your defence. I don't know how I should apologise when the harm I did left scars which can never be cured." "You work so hard all day like a machine and don't even complain, you indeed are a super lady." This. Dream? What comes to mind when you think of them? Just hallucinations your brain shows you once you get to sleep. But what will happen if they become a roadway to past, the time when you didn't even exist. Something similar happened with Vaanya and Aarav. Being raised by a single dad, Aarav always wondered how beautiful life would've been for his dad if he had never married that selfish woman, who cared about nothing but her so-called lover. Why did she even have to marry his dad and have him if she was already in love with another man. On the other hand Vaanya belonged to a joint family, where she always saw her mother doing the household chores, her mother didn't talk much or maybe there was no one to listen to her talk. Vaanya hated the idea of her mother not doing anything other than cooking and cleaning, it was the 21st century where women were leading in every field while her mother just sat at home making chappaties for everyone. "Boring," That's what she thought of of her. It was just an usual Saturday night when both of them drifted to sleep in their respective rooms, but when they woke up there lives were never the same.

Author's Note

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In The Na...
by coffee_nd_kivi