Noah x cody tdi
By CressaRyukkuGardiner
  • Fantasy
  • bottomnoah
  • codyxnoah
  • gay
  • noco
  • richnoah
  • tdi
  • topcody


Noah is a sassy sarcastic bookworm who loves animals but has a secret he has a mansion with exotic animals in his massive garden, who will find out and who will accept him for who he is. Noah: sassy sarcastic bookworm nickname: sass, bookworm and loveable actress age:18 secrets: had two jobs one is a veterinarian nurse and the other is a bartender at a club. He is trans (was born girl) and is rich with 24 animals (12 normal/12 exotic) crush:cody likes:izzy, heather, eva, owen, cody and Ezekiel/ scary movies and games. dislikes:everyone else/ homophobic and transphobia cody:lovely candymanic nicknames: candy boy/candymanic and dork age:17 secrets: is bi and has neglectful parents crush:Noah likes: everyone except al, duncan and Sierra/games and candy dislikes:al, Sierra and Duncan/scary movies or games in au noah is rich has a terrible sleep and exotic animals aswell as Normal ones. Nobody knows about the animals or that hes rich.

The story begins

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Noah x co...
by CressaRyukkuGardiner