By DykaYassinFadhillah
  • Science Fiction
  • aliens
  • alternateuniverse
  • astro
  • conspiracy
  • fiction
  • futuristic
  • global
  • historical
  • hypothesis
  • politics
  • science
  • sciencefiction
  • scifi
  • space
  • theories
  • time


a story that will tells about an another being outside of our universe or our home planet, the Earth has coincidentally making a direct contact between of our world with them by using the old relic that have been found by the German Empire or the Nazi back during they trying to conquered the Europe for the sake of power and nation in order to make them more powerful and became one of the international superpower nation that could change the world forever. But still, negligence and mistake are unavoidable where their plan that has been established far away before the Second World War has been break down and making the Allies win. but in nowadays, there's a lot of rumors and conspiracies that the Nazi has making a connection with the other being by accidentally found an ancient relics on one of their territory and probably their decided to hid it from the new generation in order to not letting us to know about it until now. So from now until the future, we will still never know about it. And now, a new era of the generation has started a new world order that could change anything including all the things that we have gotten from far like philosophy, science and of course religion forever and never thought that it will be happened on our beloved mother Earth and her people inside.

Prologue: It All Started Before Everything

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by DykaYassinFadhillah