Sadda Haq - My Life...
By Wattpad739
  • Fanfiction
  • fanfiction
  • lovestory
  • parsh
  • saddahaq
  • sandhir


Sadda Haq is an indian youth series (2013) , that used to come on Channel V.Not being a story that only catches up for stupid reasons, this showcased an amazing storyline that involves a girl(Sanyukta) in patriarchial society who was passionate enough for "Mechanical Engineering." She tried to pursue her passion and cleared the entrance test for top Engg. institute FITE, Roorkee; his conservative father always had a denial about "A girl doing Mechanical engineering!"But anyhow she managed to study there.In FITE she met Randhir; The AIR-1, who's a brilliant but a very stud-arrogant boy, who's not actually a misgyonist but have always tried to create issues for Sanyukta(for his own reasons).Then "Parth" a very calm, mature boy became best friends with Sanyukta, who's very understanding.Apart from this, this show had different characters like Vidushi, Yo-yo, Kaustuki, Jiggy, Sahil; as her friends became a family after suffering from hatred(with some)too!This story's main plot revolves around "The Dream Team", that includes makin a flawless car using their engineering minds, with these best mentors prof. Vardhan & prof. Abhay, then participating in internationals and winning with their immense hard-work.These professors showed their characters at a cost that isn't purchasable.This show basically showed passion for careers, true friendships, love-hate relationships, the Indian values in which these youth kids never seemed to be disrespecting their parents understanding their kinda' upbringing, which's the best part! Moreover, it never showcased anything opposite of the real world, sugar coating or demeaning things, had such a realistic experience.Being a passionate Engineering aspirant at that time, I can't explain how much I love this show, where I saw those tech tasks, those engg. labs for the first time during my school days!Those days were amazing only because of this!So many people love this show, hoping the newcomers will love it too!


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Sadda Haq...
by Wattpad739