Spying Mr. Popular
By TrishaSemillano
  • Teen Fiction


Now that Emerald Bartolome is going to college she needs a new target. She decided to spy on the hottest guy in the whole campus, Christian Lorenzo, not knowing that Christian have also an hidden agenda on her too. You wouldn’t know what you’re after not until your already there. Her life is never that plain. It was always interesting and fun. Though life is full of hardships. She tries to look at the good side. Then she realized, Life is not always like the movies nor the novels she read. When everything fades and the world turned her down.. Who would be her strength in every adversities she take.... How would she think in the deepest of fears? The only thing she wanted was all to be clear. Song: Boulevard of Broken Dreams

How To Pick A Target

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Spying Mr...
by TrishaSemillano