Written Fate
By Gen_WrittenFate
  • Science Fiction
  • dc
  • humor
  • mystery
  • sciencefiction
  • supernatural


Updates Weekly "Once, very long ago, Time fell in love with Fate. This, as you might imagine, proved problematic. Their romance disrupted the flow of time. It tangled the strings of fortune into knots. The stars watched from the heavens nervously, worrying what might occur. What might happen to the days and nights were time to suffer a broken heart? What catastrophes might result if the same fate awaited Fate itself? The stars conspired and separated the two. For a while they breathed easier in the heavens. Time continued to flow as it always had, or perhaps imperceptibly slower. Fate weaved together the paths that were meant to intertwine, though perhaps a string was missed here and there. But eventually, Fate and Time found each other again." (Erin Morgenstern) That's where most leave the story but this is only the beginning. While Time and Fate were once true lovers, Reality so cruel and full of disapproval took off the misguided cover which was blinding the two futile lovers. Reality broke their bond to pieces causing quite a stir. The fragments of the bond flew far and wide across space and time. The pieces soon found their destination in the hearts of five young children across all time, some past and present. But with Time being such a pitiful state the future failed to exist. Fate found the broken pieces of the bond, unable to repair it, Fate sent the pieces on a mission to repair the future which had yet to come. Unaware of the path that they had been set on, the five children were soon to meet and for the future's sake let us hope Fate set them on the right path.

Chapter 1 Part.1 Faithful

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Written F...
by Gen_WrittenFate