By crystaldoesbooks
  • Mystery / Thriller
  • mystery
  • slaughter


Introducing #pain when an average teen is forced to go to a party things take a turn for the worst she ended up running from some drunk men at the party with only mace on her she had to think fast and figure something out bang bang! The crowbar went they soon captured her but before they get to the good part they decided they wanted to have some fun first they dipped the crowbar in boiling hot melted iron and proceeded "open wide" they held her mouth open ready to shove it up her throat she screamed as frantically as she could but no luck finally they began to shove it but just as they do it " she wakes up huffing "ugh #sonotcool she begins to look down at her bed only to see her phone on the floor oh no #momsgonnakillme! She queeked she quickly got dressed and headed to school

New story in description coming very soon!

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by crystaldoesbooks