This is the sequel to "Detention Confession" Naruto Uzumaki and his friends embark on a summer travel to Hinata and Neji's grandparents vacation home and a few shortly greeted by a pair of uninvited guests that really put his and Kiba's relationship to the test. Bringing back old love interests and uncovering secrets behind closed doors as the new couple struggle under the pressure of Sasuke's relentless intentions, Naruto insecurity and Kiba trying to hold on tightly to the blonde. Can they make this work? Will this summer break Naruto and Kiba apart or will they remain strong together? Will Naruto really feel connected to his new friends or will he make new enemies? All this in just two weeks of summer vacation, it isn't detention but with these secrets someone's definitely going to suffer the consequences of everyone's actions. RANKED #17 FOR #KIBANARU ON APRIL 26, 2024 π