vines, veins and wi...
By that1silentreader
  • Fantasy
  • action
  • action-thriller
  • fantasy
  • science-fantasy
  • scifi
  • thriller


The events of this story take place in the near distant future of the year 2070. In a world where the earth we know is in shambles and mythical creatures who lived in hiding from humans were forced to coexist peacefully. As all living species are faced by the danger of Robotic Technology born from humans. Young fairy Nīmu is strictly told to keep away from humans and any type of devices they use in fear of it drawing attention from the oppressive robots. Alas, as all teenagers do she did not listen and ventured out to put an end to the vile ruling of the robots along with her two human friends. Join the three as they encounter new species, people, problems, disagreements and make life long bonds down this path she has chosen. However will she be able to reach her goals with all her friends alive and by her side? or will she crumble and fail, potentially ending up dead like those that have tried before her?


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vines, ve...
by that1silentreader