At the Mercy of the...
By starfall_spirit
  • Fanfiction
  • acotar
  • acotargiftexchange2023
  • acotarsecretsanta
  • atmots
  • atthemercyofthestars
  • book1
  • elucienbreadcrumbs
  • feysand
  • greekmythology
  • hea
  • majorcharacterdeath
  • perseusandandromeda
  • retelling


An irksome trip to the Summer Court on matters of business and assistance against a threat at sea takes an interesting turn when Rhys discovers the solution to Nostrus' problem no longer lies with his army, but a female sacrifice, bound at high tide in hope of appeasing the beast terrorizing Nostrus' shores. He certainly never predicted the rescue mission would result in an accepted mating bond. *Inspired by the myth of Andromeda and Perseus* 1/7 Chapters Complete NOTE: This story will be a combination of the original myth, as well as covering Night Court history Rhys mentioned throughout ACOMAF, including character deaths. If angst or death scenes make you uncomfortable, this might not be a story for you. Naturally, I will provide TW/CW on chapters that may require them. The second installment will be Elucien's story, inspired by the myth of Odysseus and Penelope. If you are not an Elucien, that's okay! These stories can be read as standalones as well!

The Damsel & the Serpent

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At the Me...
by starfall_spirit