Utopia Avenue, Liam...
By jagerbow
  • Fanfiction
  • 90s
  • blur
  • britpop
  • damonalbarn
  • elástica
  • jarviscocker
  • justinefrischmann
  • liamgallagher
  • noelgallagher
  • oasis
  • oasisband
  • pulp


All in all, fate comes about in fits and starts. Right now, Jude is in the 'what fucking bullshit' stage of fate's masterplan. She's pessimistic, downbeat and unequivocally cynical to the very marrow of her Northern bones. It's built into her like a spine: you work for what you get and that's it. But apparantly fate has a wry sense of humour, because she's about to hit Jude smack dab in the face, repeatedly, like one of those dodgy boxers from Woodhouse. Exhibit A: Friday 13th March 1992, Manchester. The day that fate is finally ready to toss Jude Bolan the bone that propels her life into the next stage of her personal masterplan. And that bone comes in the form of one loud-mouthed Mancunian named William John Paul Gallagher. Or: Jude Bolan and Liam Gallagher meet right upon the cusp of worldwide fame. As such, their meeting catalyses both the start and end of their lives. Liam Gallagher ╱ 2024

You can have it all (but how much do you want it?)

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Utopia Av...
by jagerbow