how easily forgotte...
By JamesAnthony615
  • Poetry
  • easily
  • forgotten
  • roots


How easily forgotten roots By james a. galgano Pot belly pig climbing in a tree. Searching for a hive to get some honey. Alas none could be found. Now all are without a home or country. A lumber jack came and cut down the tree. With the pig precariously clinging to a hope. But such hope left in search of better forever refugee. Looked down upon as drain on some nations' economy. Never realizing they were once in the same boat once upon invading newfound land. Wreaking havoc upon the many tribes livelihood. Colonizing then nearly eradicating almost every native culture. While giving false hopes with broken promises in every signed treaty. No mind is paid to their own illegal immigration from sea to shining sea. Until their invasive culture spread its genocide while claiming some blessing from deity. Flash forward to today where new migration heads to so called promised land built upon the back of working class and abhorrent slavery. From 1619 forward with uncontrollable ferocity claiming god was on their side in such endeavors every effort designed to reject this new refugee. Such continued genocide sought to limit and/or eradicate the influx in the name of a golden calf statues liberty Now can be found a lonely pot belly pig climbing in a tree. Still searching for a better tomorrow built upon trust, sharing embedded with enshrined freedom and equality.

how easily forgotten roots

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how easil...
by JamesAnthony615