The Journey
By ChelseaLea19
  • General Fiction
  • adventure
  • australia
  • back-packer
  • canada
  • fiction
  • journey
  • romance
  • travel


Sometimes life can take an unexpected turn for the worst. Sometimes even for the better. But what some people don't know is that change can sometimes bring out the best in people who choose to embrace it. Lauren Sanford is one of those people. At only twenty years old, she never expected to find herself in the middle a quarter-life crisis. She has been incredibly miserable, having to deal with her boyfriend of 10 months having an affair with her cousin, as well as taking college courses that don't seem to motivate her one bit... the worst of all was the passing of her beloved grandmother. After a whole month of seclusion, her best friend decides that she needs a fresh start. And so a week later they set off for a two week holiday in Brisbane, Australia. As she sets out on a journey of self-discovery, what she encounters next is bound to be an experience of a life time.


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The Journ...
by ChelseaLea19