Shattered Hearts
By Hannah185792
  • Romance
  • aphroditee
  • bigthree
  • gods
  • greek
  • hades
  • hers
  • lesbian
  • lesbianromance
  • lust
  • minthé
  • mistress
  • nymph
  • persephone
  • zeus


I'd wanted to be a scholar. A laughable occupation for a nymph but my passion had always been knowledge. It's more valuable than any riches. With knowledge comes the power to create and destroy. The duality of it is what makes it so tantalizing. It is both a weapon and a tool, the knife that cuts and balm that heals. Alas it was not my fate to be a keeper of tales, or a divine inventor. Instead my fate was to become Hades evil slutty mistress. If the stories are to be believed I seduced the goodess, bewitching her, in hopes of stealing her love and Persephones title. The stories are full of shit. From the very start Hades and targeted ME, seduced ME. She stole MY love with pretty smiles and sweet words whispered into my young naïvete ear. I'd believed her, gave myself to her body and soul, binding myself to her, and when it came time to fulfill her promise she fed me to the wolves or, should I say her very angry vengeful wife and her even scarier mother. Lifetime after lifetime I'm reborn, spit back out by the wheel of fate to be punished for my stupidity eon after eon I fall for the same shit. But not this time. This time I will free myself, even if I have to hunt down the fates themselves. I will not fail myself this time. I have to be meant for more than being a gods tragic fuck toy....... Right?

Prolouge.... Begining of the End

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by Hannah185792