Love is for Losers
By WeBreathe
  • Teen Fiction


We were just two thirteen year olds, swinging together in silence. We were beginning to grow up, losing interest in things we used to love. That day, we both realized that. We weren't going to be little kids anymore, both thinking of the future, or at least I was anyways. Then her small voice poked through the silence, asking, "Love is for losers, right?" Turning to me, her eyes waiting for a response, I quickly reply "Yeah, love is for losers." Yeah, I obviously didn't believe that but that seemed to be what she wanted to hear. She sighed, looked at her phone, and stood up, saying "I better get home before my mom has a heart attack" I nod, "See ya" She nods, grinning, "bye" Little did I know, that was going to be the last time I talked to her for a very long time.

Chapter 1

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Love is f...
by WeBreathe