jokes collection 4
By beaninessOnToast
  • Humor
  • jokes


bean - always and forever, beany! chatnoob2 - always and forever, chatty! TurtleKnight - always and forever, woag! cart - always and forever, a romantic! saltyNate - always and forever, joke fodder! chuakip - always and forever, a crazypikachu! kerns - making a (peppy) reappearance from jokes 2! noonoo - making a (drunk) reappearance from jokes 2! adriane - making a (simpy) reappearance from jokes 2! Olive - making a (sarcastic) reappearance from jokes 2! and for the very first time... inkchronos - can turn any conversation topic into child slaughter! savvyrat - loves gabriel! joven - amazing at basketball, sucks at everything else! camerOOn - has a tendency to drink from expired bottles of water! and as guest visitors... omi - literally an image of perfection! jabob - strawberries! jimothy - lives on the other side of the world now! Mechanic - disgruntled, as always! andrewcrossing - uwu aesthetic coffee-making rblx! hamburgZ - no longer has anyone to hate!

jokes 1

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jokes col...
by beaninessOnToast