Electronic Health R...
By jannathfir
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Medical records keep track of all details of a patient's medical information such as history, medications, allergies, procedures required, and so on. Normally, an individual's medical record is vital in the event of any emergencies as it becomes necessary for the clinicians taking care of the patient to study these said features in depth prior to offering appropriate treatment. Web based electronic health records software offers unique solution to such issues. As with many applications and life sciences, medical field has also taken up the digitized path for medical record keeping. EHR Software is the digital version of a patient's paper charts. The hitherto paper-based information about individuals has been replaced with the digital format. EHR are sought after as they provide real time, accurate, and quick access to patient data regardless of location. Armed with latest technologies and tools, Web based electronic health records software offers permanent solutions to various challenges in personal health care service.

Electronic Health Record

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by jannathfir