Scholars of Unity
By FluentTale
  • General Fiction
  • action-adventure
  • fiction
  • magicpowers
  • novel
  • romancestories
  • writingcontest


In a world scarred by the haunting remnants of an ancient catastrophic upheaval, shards-fragments born from that cataclysm-bestow extraordinary abilities upon those who possess them. These shards are as diverse as they are rare, creating a societal schism between the privileged few bearing "excellent shards" and the masses carrying the more commonplace "shards." The excellent shards, forged from the aftermath of past devastation, gift their wielders with unique powers-ranging from the command of elemental forces to wielding magical prowess and raw physical might. On the other hand, the holders of common shards, often overlooked and uninitiated, represent the dormant potential yet to be untapped within the general populace. The delicate balance in this fractured society is preserved by elusive figures known simply as the "scholars." These leaders, each presiding over a distinct type of excellent shard, emerge as the pinnacle of their respective abilities. They not only guide and influence those who possess these shards but also shape the very fabric of society. Amidst this segregated world, a diverse tapestry of individuals strives to unravel the mysteries shrouding these shards and their origins. As competing factions vie for dominance and the scholars exert their sway, a select few emerge to challenge the prevailing order, endeavoring to unite these divergent forces. Their journey in search of unity, knowledge, and the true potential of these shards will unearth long-guarded secrets, redefine fates, and possibly reconstruct the very essence of their world. [ SUBMISSION FOR WRITING CONTEST! ]

Author's Introduction

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by FluentTale