The Ducks of San Se...
By FranklinBarnes
  • General Fiction
  • comingofage
  • cult
  • dystopia
  • featured
  • highschool
  • literaryfiction
  • literature
  • love
  • nanowrimo
  • politics
  • postmodern
  • presentday
  • satire
  • sequel
  • student
  • werewolf
  • youmustrememberthis


There's no such thing as summer vacation at Heller High School, which its students have turned into a Silicon Valley dystopia in the name of self-improvement and maintaining a competitive edge. Marco Aguilar isn't too keen on this-he'd rather spend his summer playing video games-but he's forced to take part in his school's political infighting when the school president decides he has potential for greatness. His misadventures, including playing wingman to a controversial courtship between one of his friends and the school's vice president, reveal that for all of Heller's focus on the future, nobody can truly escape the past. While Marco grows closer to uncovering the truth behind the school's totalitarian regime, all Marco wants is a break from it all, and if he's not careful, he'll never have a vacation again.

Chapter 1

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The Ducks...
by FranklinBarnes