There I Go Again
By ashhleeigh
  • Fanfiction
  • bruno
  • fanfic
  • high
  • love
  • mars
  • school


When I began writing fanfiction I told myself I would not do a flashback/high school story unless I got it right. I think I got this one right. I just tried to put myself back in high school for this one. Kassie and Bruno grew up together. They were neighbors (cue the cheese). Kassie's parents get a divorce when she is younger an her mother moves to California while her father remains in Hawaii. Kassie visits her father every summer. Summers come and go, but one thing that is consistent is the relationship between Kassie and Bruno. Until it changes. And of course that involves L-O-V-E. This is an older story and focuses more on Bruno's fame up until UJ. I may come around to updating it after I post all of the chapters, but as of now we're going to leave it where it is. I think it's a good ending. :)

Chapter 1

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There I G...
by ashhleeigh