shattered trust
By mariabacklund
  • Romance
  • kidnappad
  • novell
  • roman
  • serie


Shattered Trust" is a gripping tale that follows the life of Maria, a young girl who tragically loses her parents at a tender age. Her life takes a dark turn when she is kidnapped by a boy named Wilhelm, while another boy named Hugo attempts to rescue her from his clutches. However, as the story unfolds, it is revealed that both Wilhelm and Hugo are part of a cunning mafia gang, and their intentions towards Maria were never genuine. Betrayed and shattered, Maria discovers the truth about their deceitful plan. Determined to rebuild her life, she finds the strength to rise above the pain and starts a new chapter by purchasing a hotel. With sheer determination and resilience, Maria transforms the hotel into a thriving business, becoming a symbol of success and independence. However, as her hotel gains popularity, envy and greed begin to consume those around her. The desire to possess a part of Maria's success leads to a series of violent confrontations and shootings. Through these harrowing experiences, Maria is left scarred both physically and emotionally, forever marked by the darkness that surrounded her. "Shattered Trust" explores themes of resilience, betrayal, and the indomitable spirit of a young woman who refuses to be defined by her past. It delves into the complexities of trust, the consequences of deceit, and the lengths one must go to rebuild their life after enduring unimaginable hardships.

shattered trust chapter 1

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by mariabacklund