Girls UND Panzer: A...
By Porsche-san
  • Action
  • femaleprotagonist
  • girlsundpanzer
  • gup
  • senshado
  • tank


An Original Story based on the Girls UND Panzer universe. The Story begins with the unfortunate Defeat of Akagi Girl's Academy in the 56th National Highschool Senshadou Tournament. And it's repercussions, firstly due to funding issues the school had to close down it's Senshadou Club. Making Ashurii Ishikawa despise not only the school but the entire sport for not helping their school despite standing toe to toe against Kuromorimine. She had made a promise to herself to never reenter sport as her fun and enjoyment was stripped from her hands. However, one day after being fired from her Job. She was approached by a curious young girl, who recognized her and insisted she join her Senshadou team. Together with a low self esteem Racer, a mysteriously strong Shut in and an enthusiastic naive girl, Ashurii Taniguchi would rejoin the sport in the professional scene where the adults are not bound by the modification they do to their tank. Will she be able to overcome her phobia to the sport? Or will she come face to face with the sport she ran from? --------- This story was written and made all the Tanks by: @Porsche-san And co written by who also did the character arts: @Shina_Hayha

Chapter 1: My Hero

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Girls UND...
by Porsche-san