Synthetic Evolution...
By eaglestephen
  • Science Fiction
  • biochemistry
  • biology
  • engineering
  • genetic-engineering
  • genius
  • molecular
  • science-fantasy
  • sciencefiction
  • telekinesis
  • thriller


In a near-future Earth where genetic engineering has reached unprecedented heights, a groundbreaking discovery has the potential to change the course of humanity forever. Dr. Aria Locke, a brilliant but morally conflicted geneticist, stumbles upon a way to create "Synthetics"-individuals who possess not only enhanced physical and intellectual capabilities but also the potential to transcend human limitations. As the first generation of Synthetics emerges, they become a symbol of humanity's relentless pursuit of god-like power. With abilities beyond imagination, they walk a fine line between saviors and threats. Dr. Locke, burdened by guilt over her role in their creation, fears that humanity's hubris may lead to its ultimate downfall. Among the Synthetics, Elian Stroud, a charismatic leader, envisions a world where their god-like abilities are harnessed to reshape humanity's destiny. He believes that they possess a divine right to guide the world toward an age of unprecedented prosperity and peace. But as the tension between Synthetics and ordinary humans escalates, the dark underbelly of ambition and power becomes apparent. A clandestine organization known as the "BioNexus" seeks to exploit the Synthetics for their own gain, using their abilities as tools of control. Amidst the brewing conflict, Aria and Elian find themselves on opposing sides of a philosophical and moral battle. "Synthetic Evolution: Genesis of Hubris" explores the profound question of what happens when humanity attempts to ascend to the realm of gods, and whether such power can be wielded responsibly or if it will ultimately lead to its own destruction. This gripping first book in the "Synthetic Evolution" series sets the stage for an epic exploration of ambition, morality, and the consequences of pushing the boundaries of human potential in a world where the line between humanity and divinity is blurred.


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by eaglestephen