The Stars In Her Ey...
By tu1si24
  • Romance
  • 7thyear
  • angst
  • angstwithhappyending
  • angsty
  • blaisezabini
  • characterdeath
  • death
  • dracolovestory
  • dracomalfoy
  • enemiestolovers
  • friendstolovers
  • friendswithbenefits
  • gryffindor
  • harrypotter
  • hogwarts
  • love
  • malfoy
  • originalcharacter
  • pansyparkinson
  • possessive
  • romance
  • sexualcontent
  • slytherin
  • theodorenott
  • voldemort


"Draco," I asked. ""Do you think silver is a color that represents hidden emotions?" He turned to me. "Silver? Why do you ask?" "Well, silver is often associated with the moon, and the moon is known to influence emotions," I explained. "But most importantly, silver is the color of your eyes. For others, when they see silver, they think of the moon. So, when I see the moon, I think of you." (TWs in AN) *DO NOT REPOST OR PRINT WITHOUT PERMISSION* *PHOTOS USED IN COVER DO NOT BELONG TO ME AND WERE FOUND ON PINTEREST* *THE CHARACTERS I OWN ARE RIDDHI, KALI, AND ANYONE ELSE IN THE KHAN FAMILY! ALL OTHER CHARACTERS BELONG TO JKR!*

Author's Note and TWs

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The Stars...
by tu1si24