Worst Summer Ever...
By GaylaBer
  • Fanfiction
  • abuse
  • adopted
  • adoption
  • brendonurie
  • falloutboy
  • jennajoseph
  • jennajosephh
  • panicatthedisco
  • petewentz
  • samanthajoseph
  • sarahurie
  • twentyonepilots
  • tylerjoseph


Samantha Joseph has worked hard overcoming the many traumas that have plagued her life. Her birth father was abusive, but she's got a new and loving family. Her birth father kidnapped her shortly after her adoption was finalized. She was in a traumatic car accident with her adoptive father, the frontman of the alternative band 'Twentyone Pilots'. But she healed. She lost her right leg because of complications from the accident. But she healed, got a new lease on life and learned to forge a new path forward. She lost one of her best friends in a school shooting last June. She had her innocence stolen at a dance. But it's the summer before her Senior year in high school. It's time for fun, friends and family, right?

1. Samantha

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Worst Sum...
by GaylaBer