The Great Art Heist
By CoriMarieTMNT
  • Action
  • action-adventure
  • argentina
  • cleopatra
  • movie
  • netflix
  • ocxcharacter
  • paris
  • rednotice
  • rome
  • russia
  • sardinia
  • thieves


Shannon & Nolan Booth have been together and known each other since boarding school, skipping classes and pulling capers one right after the other. However, these days, they've got their eyes set on something worth far more than paintings and pencil sharpeners (mostly kidding): Cleopatra's three bejeweled eggs. One problem: this time, they're up against Special Agent John Hartley of the FBI and the infamous criminal known as 'The Bishop'. Having been briefly split up, the Booths have no choice but to team up with Hartley and find the second and third eggs before The Bishop so Hartley can clear his name and the Booths can be known as the greatest art thieves in the world. The following is a 'Red Notice' insert; All characters, excluding the OC, belong to Netflix and the creators of 'Red Notice'; Some scenes may be revised or removed to signify the difference Shannon's presence creates to avoid copyright infringement.

Case Not Closed

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The Great...
by CoriMarieTMNT