Tansy of the Wilds
By AMLKoski
  • Fantasy
  • amlkoski
  • annakoski
  • annamlkoski
  • fantasy-romance
  • non-human
  • non-human-romance
  • orc
  • orc-romance
  • romance


Xer'Tal the Bloodthirsty had spent years as a warrior and now works as personal guard. With a world at war, his skills are in high demand however being an orc meant he was jaded to the world. People treated him poorly, gave him no trust, and he didn't trust a single person, even those who paid him. So he wasn't expecting someone like Tansy Wilde. Tansy Wilde was sent out from her family's lumberyard to head to the Kelpfar mountains to negotiate with the kobolds for a trade agreement when a bandit waylaid her plans. She escaped and fled to the nearest town where she asked after someone she could hire to protect her and she was sent straight to Xer'tal. Tansy knew orcs, she saw them occasionally at the lumberyard but there was something about this orc that has her breath catching in her chest. She paid him coin and asked him if he could escort her to Kelpfar and then back to her family's lumberyard. The coin was more than good so he agreed. The two start off but the stoic and cynical Xer'tal has no clue what to do with the bubbly and sweet Tansy as they make their way into the wilds. He finds the lines between job and employer he has always held firm waver under the sunshine of one singular, talkative woman as, for the first time in a long time, he is treated like a person that matters and not just as an orc. And Tansy finds her heart opening up more and more as the orc lets her truly be herself for the first time in years. Worlds and cultures collide as these two grow closer and only time will tell if love will bloom as they traverse the wilds between them.

Chapter One

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Tansy of...
by AMLKoski