Candy [Fairy Tail F...
By Ninja_Rose
  • Fanfiction
  • blood
  • blooduser
  • candy
  • fairytail
  • idkwhattagstoputmorenow
  • lucy
  • magic
  • natsu
  • omgfml
  • raccoon
  • somethingrandom
  • tanuki


Kiku Dragneel has been separated from her brother since a very young age, ever since she had a foster mom, the Blood Dragon, but that dragon turned into the Sweet Dragon once it knew... Kiku could only eat sweet things. So the Dragon learned the Magic of Cooking and also taught her daughter the ways of the magic cooking, and Kiku turned her training into combat, and combat into Candy Magic! The Dragon still taught Kiku the ways of the Blood a.k.a the Blood Dragon Magic. Then her foster mother disappeared. She's tried looking for her foster mom. She traveled mostly everywhere, and met a baby raccoon abandoned in a dark forest, so they both set off in their journey. And so, Kiku finally realized, she's gone. Dragons can soar the skies, so why weren't they flying? Kiku knew she needed to find her brother but once she found her brother, will she continue looking for the dragons? Stay in the Guild with her brother? Or worse... Disappear? Follow Kiku in her adventure! Oh and Riku too.


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Candy [Fa...
by Ninja_Rose