Cold Blooded Heart:...
By IrishRose78
  • Fanfiction
  • liampayne
  • onedirection
  • vampire


Liam Payne, Zayn Malik and Louis Tomlinson are all grieving over the death of their women, all of them killed in a car crash on their way shopping by a drunk driver. It's ripping them apart from the inside out, and ripping the group One Direction apart with Liam's latest tirade of antics. That all starts to change, however, when Liam meets a mysterious woman named Jasmine. Jasmine is your run-of-the-mill woman at first glance, and yet she's somewhat...exotic. She's everything Liam's last girlfriend Sophie wasn't. In fact, she's somewhat of a female version of Edward from the Twilight movies, only much more cooler. But all hell starts to break loose when he finds out that's exactly what she is - a real life vampire, at over 300 years old, and Liam is who she wants! When Liam finds this out, will it be hell to pay, or will Liam be Jasmine's next victim? A real gripping story you won't want to stop reading! I promise!

Cold Blooded Heart Part 1

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Cold Bloo...
by IrishRose78