The Reapers Game
By Gothgirl1994
  • Fantasy
  • abandonment
  • blood-shed
  • broken-family
  • fiction
  • goddesses
  • gods
  • horror
  • love
  • mistrust
  • rebirth
  • romance
  • supernatural


THIS IS A SEQUEL TO MY STORY PITCH BLACK HEART!!!! Many centuries have now past since Goddess Tina roamed the realm of Iaclomar-now a new prophet must take up the crown of peace keeper. This time going up against their family and having to chose what to do with their lives. This is a multi-book series combined into one. BOOK ONE SUMMARY: Book one: Surviving There are Reapers then there are prey. The Prey must run and survive for as long as possible and try to get out of Soul High with the others. The game will continue on until there is either no more reapers or no more prey. So who will win the deadly game of Cat and Mouse? The Prey or the reapers? BOOK TWO SUMMARY: Book Two: The Kingdom of the Dead The Kingdom of the dead, a place where one of the many lovers of the past ruler of all Iacolomar once called home. The Kingdom itself has called upon a young woman who found herself intrigued by the land to become its ruler. With the young woman now ruler of the kingdom and with a man who once kept to the oath of the book of the dead-it is now up to them to make the one sleeping dead kingdom thrive and take over the lands that once had one name that ruled it all giving peace to all of those who lived among the world of Iacolomar. Part one of the seal has now been broken-now time for the second and most important part to be fulfilled. BOOK THREE SUMMARY; Book Three: Let There Be Love and War Reyna now has officially started up the Kingdom of the dead with her new King. A king she knew from a long distance past that she had as vivid dreams as she grew up. With her new king by her side they strive to make Iaclomar to be a better place in peace, be it by blood shed or by peace. They only wish to put the world back to how it should have been before Reyna's parents got greedy and wanted to take more than they should have.

Book one-1: Just the Start

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The Reape...
by Gothgirl1994