Visas Marr x betray...
By NewDarkLords
  • Science Fiction
  • betrayal
  • betrayedmalereader
  • darthrevan
  • earthinstarwars
  • harem
  • malereaderxharem
  • sithempire
  • sithharem
  • sithorder
  • starwarsrebels
  • starwarsxww2
  • swr
  • visasmarr
  • ww2harem


Jake was a former padawan under Kanan along with Ezra. One day he was betrayed by his master and his family even his crush Sabine had betrayed him so he runs away to find a planet called Korriban. There he felt anger hatred and he feels the same way but he's not alone on the planet. He met Vias Marr a former apprentice of Darth Nihilus she will help him to get his revenge on his former friends....but later she will fell in love with him as well as others there is also one more thing about.....and that is he is the reincarnation of one of the most powerful Sith ever in the history of the Galaxy and his name is . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DARTH REVAN

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Visas Mar...
by NewDarkLords