After the defeat of the Phantom Ruby and the fall of Infinite in Sonic Forces, Dr. Eggman's thirst for power and victory remains unquenched. Determined to finally defeat Sonic and conquer the world. This time, he stumbles upon a pair of legendary sisters, renowned across dimensions as "the twins." They're skilled mercenaries and assassins, feared by both villains and heroes alike for their unmatched combat abilities and enigmatic origins. Meanwhile, a mysterious newcomer named Orion emerges. Unlike anything Sonic and his friends have encountered before, he is plagued by fractured memories, his true purpose shrouded in uncertainty due to a traumatic incident tied to the sudden rift that brought him to Sonic's world. Sonic and the gang team up with this newcomer promising to help him figure out his purpose along with his past and defeat Eggman once again. Meanwhile the doctor is searching for a power possibly far more powerful than the Phantom Ruby and maybe even the Master Emerald.