Loving the Youngest...
By peacelovecats
  • Fanfiction
  • adamdavenport
  • bionic
  • bioniclove
  • bionics
  • breedavenport
  • chase
  • chasedavenport
  • davenport
  • davenportfamily
  • davenports
  • labrats
  • leodooley
  • love
  • peacelovecats
  • romance


{LTYD is going under major rewriting and editing. This is the original. I suggest you visit my profile and read "[REWRITTEN] Loving the Youngest Davenport" if you want to read LTYD 2.0. Thank you.} [PLEASE JUST DON'T READ THIS TvT] Caitlyn Conbolt is just an ordinary girl with an extraordinary secret- she has bionic abilities given to her from a chip in her neck. When Caitlyn meets the Davenports, she's thrilled to discover others like her. But what will happen when she falls for a certain nerdy bionic boy? Follow Caitlyn and Chase on the twists and turns of their joyride on the roller coaster called love. // SEASON ONE // PLEASE READ: I write bonus chapters for most major American holidays and because I want to, so even though the book is marked as 'Completed', I do update it. Please don't remove it from your library if you want to read these updates and/or mini sequels. *A/N: I'm sorry it sucks. I began this roughly two years or so ago and the writing is really bad. Please excuse all the mistakes and the horrible plot in the beginning. I'm also very annoying as an author in this. That said, enjoy!* *Second Edit: wHy WoUlD yOu ReAd ThIs? It's so bad. I'm constantly debating over whether or not I can bring myself to delete or unpublish this.*

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Loving th...
by peacelovecats