The Girl With The B...
By intoxicationxo
  • Fanfiction
  • ayla
  • fairytail
  • fanfiction
  • mages
  • magic


Ayla is a young girl with strong magic. One day she decides to join fairy tail so she sets out to the city the gmg are being hosted. Council member Lahar and former Villain Jellal sense her magic as well as the participants and masters. Jellal thinks Ayla has connections with Zeref even though she denies it. Ayla later finds the fairy tail master and joins the guild. Most of the guild members don't trust her so they do a search on her background. Ayla's true friends are Lucy, Levy, Mira, and Wendy. After 2 months being in the guild they find out about her past. Her friends refuse to believe it and thought it was wrong digging up information of people's past. Ayla gets kicked out of fairy tail because of her past leaving her friends upset. One day a blonde haired man sees her sitting in the rain and goes to comfort her. He tells her that his name is Sting and he's from the sabertooth guild. Ayla tells him what happened and Sting gets pissed. Find out what else happens in the book by reading it!

Chapter One: Strange Encounter

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The Girl...
by intoxicationxo