Jaune: Samurai Remn...
By Darkdecade97
  • Fanfiction
  • fate
  • fatesamurai
  • fgo
  • jaune
  • jaunearc
  • musashi
  • rwby
  • rwbyfanfic
  • saber


Jaune Arc is known as the Weakest Student of Beacon. He is reminded of that very title everyday in his stay of Beacon. He gets training lessons from Pyrrha and yet it's still isn't enough, even his friends already know that whenever he is going against someone in Combat Class. They know he will lose, it is a given fact. But in reality, all that was a lie. Jaune was known as the Strongest Swordsman in his home and his entire act of being weak was all a ruse. Jaune wanted to be a Hero, he thought Beacon would be the place for it. But it's not But on one fateful day, something or someone called out to him. Where they offered him a chance to be a Hero, to be something even greater. Jaune accepted it without any hesitation, not knowing what dangers he will face in this new journey. But as well all know, fate has it's ways.

Chapter 1: Saber

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Jaune: Sa...
by Darkdecade97