Arrival of the new...
By fjinn_
  • Fanfiction
  • copia
  • fanfiction
  • ghost
  • ghostband
  • namelessghoul
  • namelessghouls
  • papaemeritus
  • phantom
  • phantomghoul
  • sodoghoul
  • theclergy


Phantom is just a normal guy who loves playing guitar. His dream is it to play in a band and at concerts. After he sees that a band called Ghost is lacking a rhythm guitarist, he goes to a place called the clergy to audition. Little does he know that this audition is gonna change his life forever. Phantom becomes the new Ghoul and has to find his way in his new life. But besides the mysteries of the clergy and his job as the rhythm guitarist, Phantom has to manage to get accepted by the other Ghouls. Wouldn't there be Sodo, who is strangely mad at him for taking another Ghouls place in the band... //I was very sad when I heard the news that Aether was no longer in the band and thought then I could never really like his replacement. But I've grown very fond of Phantom and he made it up to be my no. 1 favourite Ghoul. I really like his personality and behaviour on stage and thought about writing a story about how he became the new Ghoul. So here it is, Phantoms origin story :D The characters are all from the band and its lore. The clergy descriptions are based of my own imagination, such as the activities of the Ghouls. Also, english is not my first language, so please ignore any spelling or tense mistakes. I hope you like the story :D //

Chapter 1

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Arrival o...
by fjinn_