A man on a mission to conquer the world...of coffee! Ryu, a 20-year-old shut-in working a dead-end job as a barista, dreams of a lavish lifestyle being waited on hand and foot (some cute maids would be nice). When a freak accident delivers Ryu an untimely death, he is unceremoniously transported to the world of Cerulia where knights, dragons, and faeries alike are not concepts of old or creatures of fantasy, but very real and particularly dangerous. Ryu finds himself in the peaceful Kingdom of Kaffa, far from the conflicts of warring states. In this kingdom, the currency is coffee, status is coffee, and fame is coffee. It's the dream of every aspiring Coffee Brewer here to join the ranks as one of the monarch's Royal Brewers. It's a place ripe for the taking with his skillset. There's just one catch: outside the kingdom lay untamed wilds that defy the laws of nature, populated by strange and savage flora and fauna. Sourced in these wilds, ingredients for coffee are difficult to come by, and foraging for them is a perilous undertaking. Can Ryu manage to navigate this seemingly treacherous lifestyle? Or will he succumb to the dangers that lurk within the Wildlands? Testing out a new series. Feel free to comment with your thoughts as this is my first attempt at an Isekai/LitRPG (Please be nice). Daily Chapters