bury a friend; a wl...
By lovingaoife
  • Mystery / Thriller
  • betrayal
  • found
  • foundfamily
  • highschool
  • murdermystery
  • wlw


Vivian is a confident and charismatic girl with a unique sense of style. She has striking features, including mesmerizing eyes that seem to hold a world of secrets. When a certain somebody returns again, all hell brakes lose. Mara is the complete opposite of Vivian. While Vivian is outgoing and adventurous, Mara is more introverted and thoughtful. She is incredibly intelligent and has a deep understanding of the world around her. When coming back from a party, Vivian runs into her, but what they didn't want to run into was a dead body. They immediately call the police, but there's a note on the ground with some kind of riddle. The unidentified dead body turns out to be Mara's best friend, and she becomes the prime suspect. Vivian doesn't think Mara did it, so she insist that they get to the bottom of whatever has happened. Not knowing that this was a terrible idea.


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bury a fr...
by lovingaoife